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December 14 2012

Pancake Gets Some New Maple Syrup

Hi! I'm Kyle, the new Pancake Community Manager. I'm a designer and front end developer who enjoys making nice things on the internet. I look forward to doing all I can to make sure the Pancake community has all the maple syrup they need. Coming from the ExpressionEngine and CodeIgniter community, I feel I already know a lot about you guys. If you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask.

I'd like to give you an update to the stats of Pancake Version 4. The response to the beta has been outstanding. We're really happy to see you all enjoying it. Beta 4.0.10 was just released, and continues to make Pancake 4 the best Pancake yet. If you'd like to get in on the Beta access, you can upgrade your account here! Between the UI improvements, and the feature improvements, Pancake App version 4 is the invoicing app for you.

Again, I look forward to helping all of the Pancake Community. Don't hesitate to get in touch!