July 5 2014
Pancake 4.4.3 Released
- [Improvement] You can now easily see the number of any ticket in the ticket system.
- [Improvement] You can now specify in your settings when you want paid support ticket invoices to be sent to your clients.
- [Bugfix] Fixes an issue with running Pancake in PHP 5.5.
- [Bugfix] Fixes an issue with displaying the date and time of the latest reply to a ticket.
- [Bugfix] Fixes an issue with the default settings after installing Pancake.
- [Bugfix] Fixes an issue with the appearance of the navbar.
- [Bugfix] Fixes several issues with untranslatable words to make it easier to translate Pancake.
- [Bugfix] Fixes several issues with importing invoices with multiple taxes using the Bamboo Invoices Importer.
To force your copy of pancake to check for a new update please go to Settings -> Update and click "Check for updates".