April 5 2016
Pancake 4.11.16 Released
- [Improvement] If you're using the "Gmail" option for sending email, Pancake now tries to connect to Gmail using ports 25, 465 and 587, so that even if one of them is blocked by your server's firewall, Pancake can still send email.
- [Improvement] Adds additional information to error reports to help figure out which page is causing problems.
- [Bugfix] Fixes an issue that caused an error when trying to access Pancake if your user account no longer existed.
- [Bugfix] Fixes an issue where accepting an estimate would generate a new project but not associate the estimate with it.
- [Bugfix] Fixes an issue with unexpected values for due dates in invoices.
To force your copy of pancake to check for a new update please go to Settings -> Update and click "Check for updates".